Whole Plants – Everything You Need in One Convenient Package


If nature had a voice, she would certainly tell you to eat your vegetables. Just like your mom. Nature intended us to consume foods in whole form, because the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes are all right there in one tablet. They work synergistically to give your body the nutrition it requires for optimal health.

Research suggests that nutrients from whole, raw food may have a valuable holistic, or perhaps “wholistic” effect that allows key vitamins and minerals to work more effectively. This could be because the vitamins and minerals in foods are also influenced by other components of the food, not just the “active ingredient”. Whole food supplements contain a full array of nutrients provided by raw foods, in particular phytonutrients. Each plant’s phytonutrients are essentially the plant’s immune system and they offer protection to humans as well.

The term “bioavailability” generally refers to the ease that any particular nutrient can be accessed and absorbed by your body. You get optimal bioavailability from nutrients found in whole food. Unfortunately, accessing and eating all the right whole foods may be a challenge. Busy schedules get in the way. Supplies are limited. And favourite foods are seasonal. That’s where we come in. Whole Earth & Sea can make you whole.

Discover Factors Farms®

Super Supplements are Coaxed from Super Foods


Every bioenergetic supplement from Whole Earth & Sea contains a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients in a single tablet.

At Whole Earth & Sea, whole plants are harvested on our farms at peak potency. They are immediately raw processed at our own facilities, using our proprietary EnviroSimplex® technology.

The EnviroSimplex method blends all the raw materials in a special bio-activation chamber, where enzymes, probiotics, and prebiotics help to culture the raw mix, that we call Farm Fresh Factors™. This biomass used for our supplements contains the raw nutrition of whole plants, coaxing out the vibrant energy and goodness of nature. The end result is a super supplement derived whole from nature’s super foods. This is the essence of Whole Earth & Sea.

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